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The U.S. has two political parties. The democrats give free money, food, housing, and healthcare to poor people and do not require them to work to earn any of these benefits. The republicans have overloaded the tax code with deductions, exemptions, allowances, and shelters that allow the wealthy and corporations to pay much less than their fair share of federal taxes. 20% of us are poor and 15% of us are rich. The end result of politics is that the 65% of us in the middle class end up paying the $2 trillion for welfare and 1 to 2 trillion dollars for the tax breaks for the rich.

Democrats will not cut spending and Republicans will not raise taxes. So the deficits and debt will continue to grow until we default and cause a global depression or print up the entire debt (now $36 trillion) and cause hyperinflation. We are running out of time. The bond traders are already demanding higher interest rates on the debt. We the people must FORCE Congress to balance the budget. In fact, we need to generate surpluses each year. Pages 1 through 4 below explain our plan to balance the budget. It does not cut social security, medicare, defense, or any vital functions of our government. The plan will cut $1 trillion in spending and increase taxes by at least $1 trillion to eliminate our current $1.8 trillion deficit. The plan follows these 3 principles:

1) Every American works for a living and is paid a liveable wage.

2) Every American pays taxes each year.

3) Every American is treated the same by the government - No preferences, No special interests.

1) How we will compel Congress to balance the budget

2) Two Proposals that if implemented will Balance the Budget

3) Cut Spending: Replace Welfare with Government Jobs for the Poor TEXT or VIDEO

4) Increase Taxes: Replace our complex, corrupt tax code with a Simple Fair Tax TEXT or VIDEO

5) Pledge to vote only for national candidates who will pass a Balanced Budget

6) Sample post to send to friends on Facebook or Twitter