Hello everybody. I am posting to tell you all about an important website that could improve our lives by fixing our broken government in Washington. The website contains a plan to balance the federal budget. It can be done without cutting social security, medicare, the defense department, or any vital functions of the gvernment. Only two legislative changes are required. Replacing Welfare with government jobs for the poor and scrapping the current IRS tax code with a simple, fair, and adjustable new taxcode that will automatically balance the budget from year to year.
Of course Congress will resist this plan. The democrats will not allow Welfare to be touched and the republicans will not give up their 70,000 pages of tax deductions that greatly benefit the wealthy and the corporations. We will have to FORCE our representatives to pass these two vital changes. Go to the website. It is called www.nomorepolitics.net. There you will find detailed explanations of these two major changes.
If the trillion dollar deficits continue, then eventually the U.S. will have to default on our $36 trillion debt or print up the money. The former will lead to a dozen other countries defauting on their debt, the global economy drying up, and a worldwide economic depression. The latter will quadruple the money supply and lead to hyperinflation. We will become another Argentina, or god forbid, a new Zimbabwe. You can help us avoid these catastrophes by making three pledges on the website. Pledge to support these two important changes to our government. Pledge to send this post to all your friends on social media. Finally, you need to pledge to vote against your incumbent congressman and senator if Congress chooses to not pass these legislative changes. Yes, this means if you are a republican, you might have to vote for a democrat. If you are a democrat, then you might have to vote for a republican. In the next election we skip politics and vote to save our country.
These three pledges will take 10 or 20 minutes of your time, but if we can get this website to go viral, then we just may save our famiies and the country from the worst financial disaster since the Great Depression.
Please send this post out to social media. Use one of these methods 1) Copy using Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V to a file on computer, then send to your phone using the charging cable or Google One Drive on both devices. Check out Youtube videos that show how to do this. 2) Bring up this website on your phone and copy to Facebook, Twitter, etc