For at least the past quarter-century, the U.S. has suffered from an utterly dysfunctional government. Our two political parties are more concerned with preaching their left-wing or right-wing ideology than they are with solving the major problems that have plagued our country for decades. Our government keeps growing in size while our economy weakens. One political party favors the poor and constantly increases social spending. The other party favors the wealthy and refuses to raise taxes. The result has been ever-increasing budget deficits for over 20 years. Now we have run up an incomprehensible 36 trillion dollar debt.
The people have waited patiently for too long, expecting the two political parties to sit down at the bargaining table and work out compromises on the budget, welfare, tax reform, gun violence, and the other major problems that afflict our society. They have done nothing to solve these chronic problems. They seem to only care about getting elected.
Ok, let's light a fire under our so-called representatives in Congress by threatening their re-election chances. Let's unite as a voting block, 20, 30, or 40 million strong and demand that Congress balance the budget this year or we will vote against every incumbent Congressperson and Senator running for reelection. Incumbents almost always win reelection because they are well-known and well-financed. We can send a huge message to our representatives in Washington if we manage to vote out 100, 200, or 300 of the sitting Congressmen and Senators. Very quickly our representatives will realize that it is in their self-interest to represent the people's interests rather than the special interests.
For decades the government has mushroomed through wasteful spending intended to buy votes. As a result the government is now 7 times larger than it was in 1960, even after calculating for inflation. This oversized government tells the people what to do about just about everything in our lives. The time has come to turn this around. If we unite and vote as a large block of millions of voters, then we the people can tell the government what to do. In other words, the United States could once again become a democracy!
If you have felt helpless watching your government do nothing to improve your life, while increasing your taxes and the government debt, then join our mission to restore democracy, shrink the government, create a fair tax code, and balance the budget. Read our first proposal to scrap the welfare system and replace it with government jobs for the poor. The proposal would also raise the minimum wage nationwide to $15 per hour. You will find a text summary of the proposal, a video explaining how it would work, and finally a very detailed text explanation of this important shift from handouts to jobs. It is worth noting that this vital change will save us taxpayers 1 trillion dollars. In 2022 the federal government spent $1.19 trillion on welfare. In 2020 the states and cities spent $791 billion on welfare. So all together we spend $2 trillion. Hiring the 35 million adults on welfare and paying them $30,000 per year ($15 x 40 hours x 50 weeks) will only cost $1.05 trillion. This should give you a clue just how inefficiently our welfare system is run. More importantly, this means we can reduce spending at the federal, state, and municipal levels by $1 trillion. That is one giant step towards balancing the budget!
Our second proposal will also reduce the deficit by one or two trillion dollars. We scrap our complicated, indecipherable, and corrupt tax code with one that is simple and fair, and adjustable. The new tax code would tax all forms of income the same. Whether you make your money working for an hourly wage or an executive salary or you invest in stocks and bonds or you rent out rooms in your building or run a small business, you get taxed the same and you pay the same tax rates. All deductions, exemptions, waivers, allowances, and other exceptions that made paying taxes a complex game are expunged. You simply calculate how much money you made, look up the tax in the table and write a check. All individuals and corporations would fill out the same short tax form and pay the same rates. There is no standard deduction or credits so 100% pay taxes instead of just 53% of us currently. Everyone benefits from government so everyone pays taxes every year. If you only make $100 for the year, then you pay $2 because the lowest bracket is 2% up to $30,000 income. Individuals and corporations making more than $10 million will pay the top rate of 25% for profit over $10 million. With full employment and a fair tax code, then everyone will work for a living, earn a decent wage, and pay taxes each year. Moreover, because all deductions, credits, exemptions and allowances have been eliminated, the tax code will now be adjustable. If the government does not raise enough tax revenue one year, then all tax rates will be adjusted upwards automatically by the per cent needed to eliminate the deficit and balance the budget the next year.
If you agree that the poor should work for a living and we should replace our complicated, political tax code with a simple, fair, and adjustable taxcode, then take the pledge on this website to vote against your Senator or congressman until congress passes a balanced federal budget. After you take the pledge, then please tell all your your friends and followers on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. The more pledges we accumulate, then the more influence we will have in getting the federal budget balanced and financial catastrophe averted. As an added bonus, we will also restore a truly democratic form of government in the U.S.A.